Distribution centre capacity increased

  For nationwide retail distributor, ITW Proline’s recent move to new premises in Albany gave the company scope to create a warehouse environment that better utilised the space and provided a more efficient distribution hub for its wide range of hardware products. By being resourceful with the site the company successfully managed to not only increase storage capacity by 25%, but also boost the amount of space dedicated to the packing area. “The additional space, as a result of the shift, was made more functional by configuring half the available area into narrower 2 metre aisles to accommodate the less bulky smaller units of stock such as screws, nuts, nails and chain,” says ITW Proline Operations Manager, Barry Warner. This was helped by using a Raymond Series 9000 Swing Reach Truck as a solution, in conjunction with the help of in-house software which enabled this forklift to meet the specific requirements demanded by the confined space. With its ability to handle pallets on racking up to 10 metres high, the Raymond Swing Reach Truck is used primarily in the ITW warehouse for inwards goods and replenishment work. The operators have been impressed with the sit/ stand option which has allowed them to be more productive. They are also impressed with the fingertip operation that helps them to simultaneously control all the functions of the truck as well as the increased visibility, a result of Raymond’s clear mast view. Ergonomically advanced systems like the Intelliguide wire guidance option relieve the operators of steering responsibilities in very narrow aisles, freeing the operator to concentrate on load handling tasks. RaymondÕs patented Intellispeed control system provides smooth coordination between travel speeds and load height and weight, and automatically governs the appropriate maximum speed.