Competitive Manufacturing programs turn the average business into a world class operation
The Improve Group has a successful history of working with world renowned manufacturers throughout Australasia enabling them to enjoy greater business success.
Their programs encompass the best of Lean Manufacturing, Lean Logistics, Lean Processing, Six Sigma and TPM (Total Preventative Maintenance).
Government Funded Competitive Manufacturing Programs.
The Competitive Manufacturing Program is a nationally recognised training program providing companies and their staff with real workplace based projects designed to improve processes.The program is tailored to meet the individual needs of your business.
Competitive Manufacturing enables companies to reduce production costs and increase profits by introducing a number of improvements to the workplace including waste reduction. Upon successful completion of the program each participant is awarded a Certificate (III or IV) or a Diploma of Competitive manufacturing.
Government funding is available to undertake Competitive Manufacturing training (subject to eligibility criteria). In many cases these programs can be cost neutral or better. You can turn your training department into a profit centre (Australia only). In New Zealand these programs are still subsidised.
Government Subsidised Lean Manufacturing Assistance.
The Improve Group is a preferred provider to the Australian and New Zealand Governments to assist industry implement productivity improvement programs using Lean methodologies. These programs can attract a 50% subsidy through the Enterprise Connect (Australia) and NZTE Lean Business Program (New Zealand).
Rapid Improvement Events
Accelerate your improvement program with action based Rapid Improvement Events. These include a mixture of “train and do”, normally run during a two to four hour session followed by rapid application of the learning. Carried out over a two to five day period, these workplace events are used to make a radical change in a short time. The changes are so dramatic it is hard to go back to the old way of doing things. Used as a key tool in any ‘Lean’ implementation and often referred to as a “Kaizen” activity, teams challenge existing methods and devise newer, faster, higher quality and more value adding ways of doing things.