Vote productivity
It’s all about to happen on Saturday. The government for the next three years will go forth with a whole new set of plans and ideas on how to make our lives better.
We know there are serious social issues which are worrying, decidedly so, and there are business issues which affect the social issues…so let’s concentrate here on what the issues and this publication are all about.
Better business and business opportunities for all manufacturers and businesses through increased productivity.
The leaders have spoken a bit about improving productivity and it needs a determined focus to bring it up to speed. NZMEA, for example, is a focussed and committed organisation looking out for the better, they address this subject often…and now it is the new government’s turn.
It’s a bit like the Minister for Manufacturing issue, it gets raised and put into the too hard basket; if this had been dealt with years ago we may not have a productivity problem as we have now. Initiatives for workers would be further ahead, streamlining of areas of study would see companies getting the staff they require earlier on.
Productivity in the horticulture, agriculture and wine industries is ahead of ‘hard core’ manufacturing because the end – the order from the client overseas and locally is determined a long way ahead. Also having quality products in high demand helps.
Increasing productivity comes at a cost as well, of course, as a benefit. Good workers upping their game and reaching targets for their employers deserve a decent wage. This becomes for many a real living wage.
Increasing productivity means that as a country we keep on looking for the opportunities – with internal developments and infrastructure and overseas.
But mostly productivity needs to be lived, to be way a thinking, a frame of mind to succeed.
This is where the next government needs to step up. To show some mettle and get it done.