Manufacturers call for urgent decision on Level 4 operating
Manufacturers are calling on the Government for a pre‐emptive decision to allow all manufacturing (including exports) to remain operating if there is a move to Level 4.

New Zealand Manufacturing Alliance* spokesperson Rachel Barker, CEO of Plastics New Zealand, says New Zealand cannot afford to shut down its manufacturing again and businesses need a decision now.
“Another shutdown of our manufacturing businesses would be devastating not just for sector businesses but for New Zealand,” says Barker. “The Government has had months to work on a decision to keep manufacturing open during Level 4.
“Our businesses are prepared, with proven safe work protocols in place for operating under Level 3, keeping thousands of Kiwis in jobs and safe. It would be a smooth transition into operations under Level 4.
“We need to see a proactive and pre‐emptive decision now from Government to allow all manufacturing businesses to remain operating ahead of any possible move into Level 4.”
“Keeping all manufacturing operating will be critical to keeping people in jobs, domestic and export supply chains moving and helping our economy keep ticking over.”