Lessons in collaboration from across the Tasman
From April issue NZ Manufacturer magazine www.nzmanufacturer.co.nz Andrew Bayly, Minister for Manufacturing In my February article, I announced the first meeting of my Manufacturing Productivity Advisory Group, a forum for business leaders keen to enable a brighter future for New Zealand’s manufacturing sector. I am pleased to say this group has already met again. Chaired very capably by Sarah Ramsay, chief executive of United Machinists and chair of the Advanced Manufacturing Aotearoa council, there are key themes emerging, which most people in the industry will already be well aware of. That education is needed to change the perception of the industry in people’s minds, especially those of parents with children who are contemplating their future careers and who think ‘manufacturing’ is still a dirty world. That our research centres focus on novel innovation without considering the manufacturing capabilities needed to produce them. That procurement for infrastructure is skewed towards lowest-cost international providers, thereby discouraging domestic suppliers from ramping up their manufacturing capability. And, of course, that investment is required in automation and Industry 4.0 technologies which will help drive productivity improvements. We are now in the process of finalising the finer elements of these initiatives that will help inform future policy announcements, which you will hear about in due course. In late March, I spent a week in Australia, during which I met with four ministers in the Australian Federal Government, including Senator Hon Tim Ayres, the Assistant Minister for Manufacturing and Assistant Minister for Trade. At the University of Wollongong Facility for Intelligent Fabrication. This was the second time I had met with Tim and I was keen to ask him how the Australian manufacturing sector organises and funds itself and its activities. We also discussed how the Australian Government has managed to secure successful partnerships with the country’s […]