Managing Your Online Reputation: Lessons from NZ’s Largest Manufacturers
NZ Manufacturer July 2024 by Media Hawkes Bay Limited – Issuu In business, first impressions matter. New research by NZ Manufacturer business advisor and Impact PR director Mark Devlin has found many of the country’s manufacturers are failing to manage their online reputation – an oversight that could have repercussions for their growth. For manufacturers, business relationships can be multi-faceted and, given the technical nature of the industry, at times they can also be highly complex. Whoever your target consumer is when you enter a business relationship at some level, even a rudimentary transactional one, you need them to have confidence in your brand from the outset – a promise you can deliver in a way that aligns with their understanding of what constitutes value. If you fail to reassure a potential customer that you can adhere to this expectation, your chances of entering a relationship are greatly diminished. I recently toured a local manufacturing facility where I was shown a piece of cutting-edge technology destined for the export market that was worth around $1 million. This is not an insignificant amount of money to spend on a single product and it occurred to me that if I was buying something of that value from an overseas company I would want to have the highest level of trust in that firm. This begs the question – how does a manufacturer create digital ‘trust signals’ so that when a potential customer, employee or other stakeholder begins to research their company, it provides the requisite reassurance necessary for them to move to the next stage of interaction and purchase? While all manufacturers have customers, few would have walked in their digital shoes to understand what they see during any initial desktop research process. At the same time, an even smaller number of […]