EMA Welcomes LGNZ Mobilising the Regions Paper
The EMA has welcomed the release of the Mobilising the Regions paper, released by Local Government New Zealand today, saying it breathes life into key issues the Employers and Manufacturers Association has been advocating for on behalf of its members. LGNZ’s major transport study highlights the critical nature of transport decisions and the impact these have both nationally and regionally. It draws a direct link between regional development, national prosperity, social well-being and cohesiveness. “There are key elements of this paper that reinforce exactly what we have been seeking on behalf of our members. Transport and infrastructure are key economic enablers, and we have been calling for a co-ordinated approach to assist regional development,” says Kim Campbell, CEO, EMA. “We support the joined up approach outlined by LGNZ and believe it elegantly outlines the merits of treating different transport modes in the same manner. “We have been calling for unifying strategy for ports, rail, road and airports to help unlock the potential of Auckland and the regions for our members, and therefore see value in LGNZ’s multi-modal approach. “This follows on from the announcement of the Auckland Transport Alignment Project last week, which saw the agreement between government and Auckland Council to work together on the city’s transport initiatives,” says Mr Campbell.