Key speech falls short for businesses
In his lunchtime speech, John Key outlined the following: A single, dedicated ministry of business, innovation and employment would integrate the work of the economic development ministry, the department of labour, the science and innovation ministry and, in a major surprise, the department of building and housing (DBH). “This new department will help to drive the Government’s priority of building a more productive and competitive economy,” Key said This is all very well in the light of wanting to reduce costs and the size of the public sector. It is good news if the private sector can benefit. It is bad news for those being made redundant and facing the real option of going across the ditch to find work. Primarily, we have been served up a money saving exercise dressed up as progress. Nothing yet is obvious as to how the business community will be better off – addressing the dollar, more incentives for exporters, reduced costs for running a business, more factories to be built? And, most importantly, where job growth will come from. Streamlining and improving efficiencies is one thing –a vision- not a cost saving exercise for the future – is another. How do you see it? What positive difference will these changes make? Where is your company going in the future? -Doug Green