New data shows Industry Trainees and Apprentices going strong
The Industry Training Federation welcomes new performance data showing industry trainees and apprentices gaining credits and completing programmes at higher rates in 2014. Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) education performance data shows: • 74 percent of industry trainees and apprentices completed their programmes in 2014, up seven percentage points from 2013, when 67 percent completed. • Credit completion has improved by five percentage points, from 71 to 76 percent. New Zealand’s 11 Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) are delivering industry-backed skills and qualifications across New Zealand’s major industries. “The trend of marked improvement in the industry training sector has wide reaching benefits for individual trainees and apprentices; their employers and industries; and our entire economy” says ITF Chief Executive Josh Williams. “ITOs are helping businesses large and small to manage their supply of skills, and improve productivity” Josh says.