Editorial: Fires everywhere
From September issue, NZ Manufacturer We lead this issue with an energy story (Page 1) to “empower energy sovereignty”, the purpose of Mackwell & Co of Christchurch, with a focus on energy resilience and fossil-fuel-free transport. Mackwell realise the two concepts to achieve this are the use of accessible and low value biomass as fuel and a technology that can safely and cleanly convert this to useful work without relying on existing infrastructure. I have been trying to get my head around the deep concern being felt around the country regarding the cost of energy and the damaging effects this is having on domestic and business users at this time. With companies not being able to see a way ahead and closing, with the exorbitant price to the domestic market (where those disconnected have to find the money to be reconnected when they cannot pay the bill) what is the country meant to do? One thing, the energy companies need to be challenged on their pricing and why the return to shareholders is, at this time, more important than the wellbeing of the future of business in New Zealand. Another thing, make it affordable for all New Zealanders to have solar panels on their buildings and homes. How does a smart, innovative country like New Zealand find itself in the situation where with high power costs, imports will become more expensive? Where our reliance on the rural sector to succeed on export markets becomes a challenge; when the price of energy means their products become more expensive on world markets? Higher energy prices assist government coffers. But at what cost?…regions lose the financial input of (now) closed businesses whose staff leave and look afield to Australia. Regards, Doug Green, Publisher www.jezmedia.net