Seven things for business
Business needs seven key things from the next Government, according to BusinessNZ’s election manifesto. A Business View for the 2020 Election outlines businesses’ medium-term needs and desires, based on a survey- of over a thousand businesses across New Zealand. The manifesto shows businesses are focused on succeeding in the economic conditions arising from Covid and on building a strong new economy: 1. Focus on the economy: businesses say economic well-being should be NZ’s priority right now. 2. Plan for reopening the border: they want to see the border opened safely as soon as possible. 3. Build infrastructure: most want to see the next Government spending on significant infrastructure to boost economic recovery. 4. Manage resources better: businesses want better systems for the allocation, care, and development of natural resources to allow for growth. 5. Cut regulation: Government needs to reduce unnecessary regulation on small businesses. 6. Build skills: businesses are seeking highly developed skills and want to see more apprenticeships and technical training for tomorrow’s workforce. 7. Stay ambitious for sustainability: businesses know customers want appropriate environmental standards and view them as necessary to future-proof business. Chief Executive Kirk Hope said the manifesto gives a snapshot of how business is reacting to the current uncertain environment and where they want the focus of the new Government to be. “Clearly, businesses are concerned to see rapid economic recovery from the Covid situation. “They want the Government that takes power next month to have a strong focus on economic growth and wellbeing, and to regulate in a way that lets business help deliver it.” The BusinessNZ election manifesto is here on -The Deloitte and Chapman Tripp BusinessNZ Election Survey canvassed the opinions of 1,193 businesses of all sizes in all parts of New Zealand during June 2020.