Question everything, nothing is off the table
Simon Ganley, managing director, Ganley Engineering Over the past three decades I have been at the sharp end of process control. Mostly with multi-national manufacturers both in NZ and internationally. This has involved a wide variety of applications in a large number of factories. I have made a lot of very useful contacts with a lot of very clever people. I have seen a lot of amazing solutions and have also seen a lot of dumb stupidity that has cost a lot of money. So, what do the top players do with the new waves of technology becoming available because of quantum developments in computing, optics and machine control? For a start they question everything. Nothing is off the table. They only buy the best equipment available with the lowest cost of ownership. Anything bought is thoroughly tested and dissected long before it gets anywhere near a production line. They sell what they make for top dollar and have built their reputations on quality. They hate waste and they watch their costs. A lot of them have process control sensors specifically developed for what they do with custom filters and algorithms. This enables them to go to places no-one has been before with consistently made new products. And it enables us to build these new technologies into our new analysers and control sensors. It is a symbiotic world for us. Now what they do and a lot of industry doesn’t is to control what they make to the top of the specification as they make it. Probably the biggest cost to manufacturing is the price of energy. If someone is running a fluid bed drier, a tunnel oven, a fryer, a drum drier or anything that uses energy with no controls is probably over drying/ cooking and giving away enormous […]