Problem solving the next frontier
-Ian Walsh, Managing Director, Intent Group Over the last few years, I have run several courses and seminars for business leaders, wanting to improve their business performance and productivity. One of the questions I typically ask is how much time a week they invest in problem solving? The answers vary, but many suggest they do a fair amount of problem solving. I then ask how many of them dedicate a set amount of time each week to structured problem solving as opposed to reactive, during the event, problem solving. After some muttering and reflection, for most of the group, the answer is none. Less than 10% invest structured time with their teams to solve problems! It was Einstein who defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Surely you can’t expect your business to improve if you don’t invest any time in solving problems to root cause? Improvement itself is defined as solving the right (more impactful) problems at a faster rate than the ones that are occurring. If all you are doing is reacting to what occurs then you are treading water and in today’s competitive landscape, I believe going backwards. The question I have is why do we do this? Or why don’t we invest in structured problem solving? Here are the top 5 great myths: It takes too long, and we don’t have time. But we have time to react to the failure and lose production while we fix it. We are too busy. This is because we are reacting to all the problems that we haven’t fixed. We don’t need to do this as we have engineers who solve the problems, thus placing all responsibility on one group for this activity. This is ‘I operate, you fix’ mentality and […]