HERA sets the scene for heavy engineering’s future with digital ‘Home for the tribe’ and Fab4.0lab
Heavy engineering research association HERA is at the forefront of the innovation march in an era of change. At its AGM on 19 May, HERA announced key initiatives designed to propel the industry forward as members focus on support for digital capability, transformation and innovation: the MetalMind app and the Fab4.0Lab for testing, implementation and research. The MetalMind app is the digital home for HERA’s training services and all things heavy engineering. It is a platform where HERA will grow and engage its tribe of metal heads and where people can share open and transparent innovation. HERA CEO Troy Coyle says, “MetalMind is our proprietary private social platform to connect with members exclusively, hold open and important conversations about steel industry issues, gather feedback, solve problems, and give people maximum value. “The big driver for developing MetalMind was our Innovation READY programme, which has been completely digitised including 10 podcast sessions with supporting content, along with the Lean Startup four-week course. “Over time members will be given early access to training materials and tutoring preparation ahead of welding certification examinations. “The people on the platform will be new to our industry right through to the most experienced, a truly diverse group who all have something to gain from engagement. “Users are onboarded into main channels and then given the information and services they need around innovation, training, education and the foundry, a newsfeed which drives conversation and delivers targeted and curated information to the industry. There will be verticals of content and services that users will progress through.” HERA Fab4.0Lab (named for the Fourth Industry Revolution, or Industry 4.0 as applied to fabrication) is a laboratory space based at HERA House in Auckland where fabricators can test concepts, new product ideas and iterations on specialist machinery that may not otherwise […]