Labour’s mandate requires more from them
-Doug Green, Publisher, NZ Manufacturer The election result is in and Labour needs to move smartly on the economy. In the past three years, Labour made a play to improve (in the business sector) : housing, the Auckland transport system, regional investment and ‘shovel ready jobs.’ None of these have been achieved and we still address productivity, improved wages and the business sector having its voice heard in the decision making process. And we have Covid-19. Labour has handled this well but we now need to place an even greater emphasis on the economy Labour has to concentrate on the real areas of growth….and work closely with the private sector. Land-based industries will continue to develop quality products for the changing habits of consumers. Think plant based foods. The construction industry can provide huge impetus as the country looks to reduce areas of stress and strain. This, aided by technology enhancements, will assist to grow our economy and improve supply chain and efficiencies. You only have to look at the innovators in the Technology Innovation Network (TIN) to see where some of these great ideas come from. Initiatives across the broader manufacturing base are essential and to be encouraged. SME’s are to be supported as they play an integral role in New Zealand’s future. To provide surety for the apprentices of today who will be the company leaders of tomorrow. In this term, we need Labour to work with business leaders and associations to develop a well planned growth path forward. And Labour, remember the businesses forced to close because of the virus, through no fault of their own? They need to rise again.