Full-strength metal 3D printed parts go mainstream
Tauranga-based Rapid Advanced Manufacturing (RAM3D) is a hi-tech manufacturing company producing full-strength metal 3D printed products. RAM3D is recognised globally as a world-class 3D metals printing facility where production parts and prototypes are easily, efficiently and cost effectively produced. Warwick Downing, the CEO of RAM3D has been involved since 2008 with the decision by BoP Dental company, Triodent to invest in the technology. . “We have always been a pioneer in the 3D printing industry. We had one of the first 3D metal printing machines in the southern hemisphere. In those days, the software and laser tools were basic, but technology has advanced very quickly since 2013 which is when RAM3D was set up”, said Downing. “3D printing is now a recognised mainstream method to produce end-use parts as well as prototypes, and with the right design can be very cost competitive”, he said. “In a recent project where replacement parts for a manufacturing process were required, RAM3D not only delivered the parts in a shorter period but the parts worked out cheaper to 3D print than having them machined”. RAM3D have broad capabilities. They print in Titanium 6-4 (Ti 6AI 4V), the most common titanium alloy used for medical and aerospace applications. They can also print in a high strength food grade 15-5Ph Stainless Steel. For the defence sector RAM3D prints in Inconel 718, which is a nickel super alloy used for high temperature applications such as firearm suppressors. In the last month RAM3D has added Stainless Steel 316 to their material list as requested by numerous clients in the food sector, marine and dairy industries. RAM3D supply production parts to a very broad and diverse industry base, ranging from aboriculture, aerospace, medical, defence, general industrial, marine and many more. They supplied high-strength light-weight titanium boat parts for Emirates […]