Productivity Training: The Missing Link?
-Ian Walsh, Argon and Co As I have raised previously there are a number of elements required to achieve a productive economy and the benefits that affords us as a country. These include: Collaboration between business, government, and educational institutions Access to best practice knowledge Access to funding to support trial and learning Examples, beachheads and benchmarks For those business leaders contemplating adopting best practises to transform their performance, there are a few key questions to answer: What is involved? Who else has done this? What does it cost in terms of dollars, resources? What can be achieved, and is it worth it? How long will it take? On the face of it these questions might appear to be simple enough, however the ways in which to answer them accurately, and to then use those answers to develop a plan for productivity improvement, are complex and highly specialised. For context, the body of knowledge around applying best practice to business is over 100 years’ worth of industry experience and learnings. Yet I still meet business owners who decide to give it a go themselves in true NZ style, only to waste years and countless dollars going down blind alleys, learning what is already known, through a process of self-inflicted trial and error. The roadmap to world class will vary depending on the business, process type, size, and structure. Not everyone has an assembly process like Toyota, but some elements might be applicable. The key to navigating your way through the task of developing a roadmap for your organisation is to engage an expert to help you. By doing so you are making the most diligent use of resources and giving yourself the best chance of success. You wouldn’t attempt to climb Everest without a guide, someone experienced, who knows the […]