Waikato’s Aviation Industry Cluster takes off
In the picture: Industry Cluster (WAIC) chairman John Jones, left, and advisory board member John Cook sign the paperwork, with Opportunity Hamilton chief executive Sandra Perry and WAIC general manager Shaun Mitchell. It’s an exciting time in Waikato’s aviation history with the regionally-based Aviation Industry Cluster spreading its wings to become a business entity and charitable trust in its own right. The sign-over comes at a time the cluster is leading New Zealand aviation in numerous achievements, including the construction of a specialist aircraft paint facility near Hamilton International Airport. Opportunity Hamilton, the city’s economic development agency, has managed the aviation cluster contract since 2009 when it took over from the Katolyst Group. Opportunity Hamilton chief executive Sandra Perry, AIC chairman John Jones, AIC general manager Shaun Mitchell and board member John Cook, of Stainless Design, recently met to sign papers allowing the cluster to become its own entity. Sandra said the cluster stepping out of its own was the next step in recognising its vision to be the centre of light aircraft manufacture, maintenance and pilot training in Australasia. “Upon setting up the cluster in three years ago, the goal was always for it to become self-sufficient so the signing has been a real achievement for everybody involved. It shows how there is huge potential for aviation in our region and in New Zealand,” Sandra said. Construction of the paint facility is a major accomplishment to the cluster’s achievements, including manufacturing more than 1000 aircraft, establishing an aluminium heat treatment plant and sealing a 650m grass runway. Aviation Industry Cluster Chairman, John Jones says the clusters’ milestones had the world taking notice of the region’s aviation sector. “Our counterparts throughout Australasia now really see aviation in the Waikato and in New Zealand as taking off, whereas in the past […]