Harbour crossing, what harbor crossing?
Before the new Super City came along there was a need for a new harbor crossing in Auckland. I had a conversation with the late Sir Dove Myer Robinson and he shared with me his vision of Auckland region’s transport system which included improvements to the flow of traffic to the north shore and how essential it was to include rail in any future developments. That conversation took place a few years ago now and in the meantime nothing has happened. Lots of consultants, lots of meetings, lots of costs discussed and the people of the north shore keep leaving in the dark to get to their place of employment in South Auckland. For Auckland to be a Super City clear thinking and decisiveness is required with this issue. We no longer need endless meetings, furrowed brows and deep contemplation. The urgency for the harbor crossing has been there a very, very long time. The meeting at Aotea Centre today concentrating on where Auckland is going is commendable. A vibrant, economically viable hub of the South Pacific is what Auckland can be. Strong business focus with manufacturers thriving is essential. Realistic cost structures crucial. A new harbor crossing is there to begin. Get together the true costs and let’s start. Provide employment in tough economic times and keep the economy moving forward There was never a better time than when the ideas was first discussed.