Thermaflo and Trepko tackle the New Zealand market with new agency agreement
Every single day thousands of milk, juice, and water bottles are filled along very sophisticated assembly lines in and around New Zealand. With that, there are very strict regulations in place that help ensure the products that end up on your supermarket shelf are safe for human consumption. Thermaflo have always employed best practice engineering principals as part of their design policies. This insures that they meet all of their client’s expectations as well as adhering to any local regulations relating to food safety. With the above in mind Thermaflo have been associating themselves with other world leading equipment suppliers. For many years they have been building relationships with companies not only in New Zealand but into other countries such as Italy, the UK and Denmark. These companies include Filmatic from South Africa who are a leading manufacturer of bottle, tub and jar filling lines and Trepko from Denmark, who specialise in high speed horizontal form fill seal, and other tub filling applications as well as butter wrapping and end of line packaging plant. It has been fortunate that Trepko and Filmatic have formed a joint venture and now together they are supplying complete filling and packaging lines, thus Thermaflo’s clients benefit from two world leading suppliers being represented here in New Zealand. With a large client base within the Australasian market it made sense for Thermaflo to partner with another company that had experience in these markets, but who were also looking to increase their market share. Recently, Thermaflo and Trepko signed a new agency agreement that has allowed Thermaflo to expand their product offering, while also assisting Trepko in their efforts to increase their client base in the New Zealand, Australian and Southeast Asian markets. With over 65 years of manufacturing experience Trepko are placed at the forefront […]