Former EMA manager to head International Employer Organisation
Brent Wilton, a former senior manager at the Employers and Manufacturers Association (Northern) in Auckland, has been appointed Secretary General of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) based in Geneva, Switzerland. The IOE is the international body that represents employers and the worldwide business community in international forums. Brent Wilton joined the IOE in 1999 where most recently he has specialised in business engagement in corporate social responsibility, and wider human rights issues. EMA chief executive Kim Campbell congratulated Mr Wilton saying the appointment extended New Zealand’s reputation for boxing well above our weight in international affairs, in trade negotiations, at the UN and now at the IOE. Mr Wilton was formerly the Manager of Consultancy and Legal at EMA in Auckland until 1999 involved in national, regional and enterprise-based bargaining. He also represented New Zealand employers in a range of legal matters, both in mediation and in the Labour Court. He has lectured for a number of New Zealand universities on industrial relations and human resource development and continues to be involved in the direct delivery of training.