Kiwi-Ingenuity, the real NZ national treasure!
Kiwi-Ingenuity should be celebrated as much and even more than the glorious achievements of the All Blacks on the Rugby field. – By Joel Leonard New Zealand is more than a haven for Hobbits, champion rugby teams, picturesque scenery, and adventurous vacations. Also a haven for Kiwi-Ingenuity! Kiwi Ingenuity has evolved to become the real national treasure for New Zealand. Located over 900 away from Australia, New Zealanders, or Kiwis have had to become very resourceful in order to cope with their remoteness and as a result have been forced to invent their own solutions and have been able to maximise their creativity, otherwise known as Kiwi-Ingenuity. Have you ever heard about Jetboats? From Wikipedia- A jetboat is a boat propelled by a jet of water ejected from the back of the craft. Unlike a powerboat or motorboat that uses a propeller in the water below or behind the boat, a jetboat draws the water from under the boat into a pump inside the boat, then expels it through a nozzle at the stern. Jetboats were originally designed by Sir William Hamilton (who developed a waterjet in 1954) for operation in the fast-flowing and shallow rivers of New Zealand, specifically to overcome the problem of propellers striking rocks in such waters. Previous attempts at waterjet propulsion had very short lifetimes, generally due to the inefficient design of the units and the fact that they offered few advantages over conventional propellers. Unlike these previous waterjet developments, such as Campini’s and the Hanley Hydrojet, Hamilton had a specific need for a propulsion system to operate in very-shallow water, and the waterjet proved to be the ideal solution. From this, the popularity of the jet unit and jetboat increased rapidly. Through further developments, it was found the waterjet offered several other advantages over propellers […]