Private sector supports rebirth of strong Canterbury
Today’s announcement by Government outlining a $2.5 million funding package for business is welcomed by business. “A strong Canterbury emerging from the recent earthquakes is crucial for the whole country, not just the region itself. The Government’s commitment to Canterbury is good to see and so too is the support of the private sector,” BusinessNZ Chief executive Phil O’Reilly said. The $2.5 million from the Government in to the Canterbury Business Recovery Trust Fund will be matched by the business sector. BusinessNZ’s Major Companies Group members have pledged in excess of this sum already and there is much interest out there to provide significant financial support to Canterbury. “Many New Zealanders recognise that this could be any of us, and there is a real human side to this, but there is also a commercial realism. New Zealand needs Canterbury to be strong and to have a thriving business community. And our larger firms are happy to support this knowing that by supporting business they are helping to retain jobs, keep families together and assist to get the economy back on its feet.” The Canterbury Business Recovery Trust Fund will be administered by the Canterbury Business Recovery Group (CBRG), governed by the Canterbury Employers, Chamber of Commerce, Canterbury Development Corporation, Ngai Tahu Holdings and Christchurch City Holdings. The Canterbury Business Recovery Group is also coordinating the dedicated call centre for business on 0800 505096, the business information portal, mobile business recovery centres offering business continuity assistance across the city, and input into the wider support mechanisms including the Earthquake Support Subsidy for employers and the Earthquake Job Loss Cover for employees.