Catherine Lye, EMA’s Head of Advanced Manufacturing & Export Communities The Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) recognises the essential role manufacturing plays in the New Zealand economy, for jobs and communities. The draft plan, released for public consultation in June 2022, attracted hundreds of participants to workshops and 60 written submissions that helped identify some key priorities for the ratified plan. “Increasing investment in advanced technologies and processes to lift productivity and wages, and improving the understanding and perceptions of advanced manufacturing to attract more people into the sector will be the initial focus based on the feedback received,” says Brett O’Riley, EMA Chief Executive and Co-Chair of the Advanced Manufacturing ITP Steering Group. Manufacturing plays an important role in creating jobs and is the second largest employer of Māori and Pacific peoples in the country. The plan identifies ways to help manufacturers acquire more skills and embrace the low-carbon, sustainable economic growth it offers. “One of the keys to accelerating growth will be the investment in new plant, new technology, and new skills, something the EMA will continue to work with the Government on,” Mr O’Riley says. Rachel Mackintosh, fellow Co-Chair of the Advanced Manufacturing ITP Steering Group and Vice-President of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi and Assistant National Secretary of E Tū, agrees. “We want to transform the industry so that people will choose to work in advanced manufacturing for generations to come. We have the opportunity to harness the creativity of the diverse manufacturing workforce to develop a sustainable industry, where people can build their skills and enjoy decent work and decent wages. To do that we need cooperation across workers, employers, communities, and the government,” she says. The ITP brings together a raft of elements – skills, sustainability, carbon neutrality […]